There were two substitutes working on Halloween: One for me and one for our lead teacher. In place of me was one Miss Viola Swamp and in place of the lead teacher was Mr. Jack O'Leary (a distant relative of Jack O'Lantern). The kids were on their best behavior and were happy to see Mr. Alberhasky and I back to work on Monday. There have been some questions, however...
p.s. I'm waiting on a neighbor for pics of the Halloween Monkey. My camera died that night and relied on the kindness of neighbors to document Lucia's 1st Halloween.
I've been busy, but I will download pics off my digital soon. I used the pics from my father-in-laws camera that he sent for my facebook, but I will add pics from my camera to my halloween album on facebook. You will especially enjoy the monkey lying on her back and looking at the camera. She is so cute.-gen
Great costume Katy! Bet the kids loved it
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