Thanksgiving 08
Thanksgiving was at my home this year. The In-laws joined us and I cooked the meal. It was very pleasant and Lucia really enjoyed seeing family.
- The Menu:
1 10 lb Turkey - Mashed Taters and homemade gravy
- Stuffing with apricot
- Cranberry-Mango Relish
- G. Bean casserole
- Spinach Salad
- Oriental Salad
- Sweet Pot.s with marshmallow (Elaine)
cranberries in Coolwhip and marshmallow (Kay) - Crescent Rolls (Elaine)
- Homemade Honey Butter
- Village Inn Pie (Kay)
- Oatmeal pie with Cinnamon Ice Cream (Bought by me from Bread Garden)
- Appies were simple cheese meat and crackers, cookies, and trail mix for when we played cards later in the evening.
Lucia conked out really early while we were watching "Epic Surge"- a movie made by our local news station about the flood of June 08. It was really long. I couldn't blame her. Then I finally got to play cards. Luci slept soundly in her crib until 3am (blech). Everyone left around 8 pm and our family was collectively in bed by 9pm. We joked at 3 am (as we were all up) that we could hit the stores (NOT!). Lucia and I fell asleep again in the recliner while watching "Bugsy" this morning and I got to sleep in to c. 8:30 am.
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