Hello everyone... Well are you ready to hear of our crazy labor ride? I know you are! Here is the run down... I will bullet it so it's easier to follow:
- Katy called Kent on Monday, January 28th to prepare him that she thought that the baby was going to come that day at about noon (due to details most of you won't appreciate).
- Kent went into work at 1pm.
- Katy went shopping at Fareway, did laundry, and cleaned the house while she was in early early easy labor.
- Katy got in the bathtub to relieve labor pain. Pains increased... Katy started timing the labor.
- Kent received phone call to come home from work around 6pm. He hightailed out of there and returned about 6:30pm.
- Kent recorded contraction times until they were 3 mins apart and about a minute long (Katy thought that was sufficent "Labor at home" progress to go into the hospital).
- Katy and Kent alerted our labor support person, Sara, and dog sitter, Genevieve, and went into the hospital at about 11:30 pm.
- Nurse determined at hospital that Katy was 2 cm dialated and was showing only minute contractions. She sent the labor team to go walk around for an hour to see if any progress would turn up.
- At about 1 am Katy was put back on monitor and nurse determined that no progress was made. She told us, "Keep your appointment for friday" and that it was probably false labor. She advised to sit in the bathtub and see if the pain subsides.
- Team returns home. Katy sends Kent to go rest and hops in the bathtub where she primarily labors for the rest of the night. Katy used, "Baby dancing" and pelvic tilts to cope with labor pain. She chants, "Making progress" and "Opening" to hypnotize herself and goes into dreamstate to acheive rest between contractions.
- At about 7 am Katy starts pushing without really knowing it.
- She makes phone call to Mercy Labor and Delivery to warn them of her progress. They advise she can come in but if no progress is made that, "there will be nothing they can do for her."
- Katy gets off the phone to discuss with Kent but ends up only able to moan.
- Kent and Katy promptly get into car to head for the hospital.
- They hit 8 am school traffic...
- Katy's water breaks and she feels the baby fall...
- Kent drops Katy off at entrance of the emergancy room.
- Katy frantically calls for them to let her through to LD.
- She gets into the elevator with her hand holding baby in...
- She alerts Labor and Delivery that, "This baby is coming NOW!"
- Kent arrives by following the sounds of a woman screaming.
- They call for a Doctor who opens Katy to find a head.
- Baby pulled out and born 8:12 am, January 29th.
- Lucia (pronounced Lou-See-Ah) Anne Olson. 7 lb 12 oz (some of which she has lost since then) and 21" long.
- Whew. We successfully achieved an all natural birth with sense of relief and pride.
Some of the nice things that have happenned since are:
- Uncle JR visited during his lunch break everyday.
- Grandpa and Grandma Elaine have visited (nice) on Wednesday. Lucia scared them off with dirty diapers (That was not so nice, Lucia).
- Aunt Genevieve and Joshua stayed with us a lot on Tuesay.
- Aunt Sara (see labor coach) stayed with us and baked us cookies on tuesday also.
- Kent's work sent us flowers!
- Katy's work sent congrats in the form of e-mails to hospital that were delivered like daily mail (nice surprise).
- I had the best am nurse: Carla. They took such awesome recovery care of me! Thank god for "ice diapers".
- Olivia is staying with Daphne and the Barrons. Apparently, Daphne (thier yorkie poo) knows how to keep my girl in line when its her house!
- Kent is a natural Daddy.
- Lucia and Mommy are a natural, "breast feeding team".
- Lucia sleeps through the night except for 4 am and 6 am feedings.
- We are a family.
Sounds like a real adventure! But she was definately worth it - she's just adorable!
Wow! I am so happy for you.
I'm just checking - was she born in the elevator?
No Missy,
she could've but when they got me on the delivery table she was crowning.
Sounds like your a natural..Great job, she sure is beautiful.When is the next one coming? (ha!ha!ha!)
She looks adorable, congraqtualtions!! Trish, Maddie, and I can't wait to meet her. -Love Christopher
All I can say is WOW!
Congrats to you all!!
I can't wait to meet Lucia!
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