Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Here are some newer shots of Ms. Luci-Lou. The second from the top photo is what "The Girls" affectionatly call "Mr. Poop Face." Which is usually true that it predicts a poopy or what Kent calls, "Poopy in the Panties." It actually disturbs me a bit when he says that.

The pink jacket shots are taken in her car seat. Why is everything is easier when your child is strapped into a chair? I don't know but it sure works.

The last one is what I look at for majority of the day. Little Lucia sleeping like an angel. It is really hard for me to keep from picking her up and kissing her chubby cheeks.


Anonymous said...

Extremely cute! Do you live on the east side? I remember seeing you out walking back when we were both pregnant. If you do, we should get together and walk our babies once it warms up.

Chet and Gini said...

She is adorable!  Great pictures.  How much longer do you get to stay home from work?

Mike and Annette said...

So happy to see you finally got pictures of smiles. She just gets cuter and sweeter every day. Love these pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Lucia is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see her in person. Kurt was so glad he got to see you guys + baby on his last visit. I am so happy for you both....parenting is the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever experienced. It looks like you guys are naturals. Congratulations and I hope to see you soon.