Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
I have been told by my friends and fellow waitstaff/co-workers both at Micky's (when I worked there) and at the school that my true calling is massage therapy. It must be my big strong german hands and my robust stature. My massages are not for the weak and flimsy, however. You gotta like some deep tissue rubbin' to endure one of my massages. Kent is ticklish and can be a little too sensitive for my rubs but I can tone it down to suit him alright.
Monday, December 26, 2005

Friday, December 23, 2005

It's almost Christmas. Kent and I are staying in Iowa and saving our pennies. The last couple of Christmas vacations my family has gone down to Arizona to stay with my brother, Mike, and his family. Above is a picture I took near a very famous spot. I think it was the Okay Corral or somthing. I can't actually remember.
Isn't it pretty? We also went on a horseback ride that year that was very nice. Kent was unable to accompany on these trips. It was always a little hard spending time with my family without him there.
Tomorrow we are going to Cedar (c)Rapids to spend the day with Kent's parents. We will probably go to mass and have a nice dinner. Kent's family is Lutheran so I'm able to follow the service well enough from my Catholic background.
I generally go to church for the music above all else. I love to sing at church. I should join a church choir one of these days. Iam also often moved my the sense of community one can find at church.
Yesterday, JR and I were walking dogs and discussing how we've been craving church and, still worse, Catholic mass! This is very hard to comprimise with our steady pro-choice and pro-gay views. However, it is comforting and retrospective to attend catholic mass like putting on a security blanket. I go time to time when I'm not working nonetheless.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005

I have been spending most of the night scanning from photo albums that Kent's mother entrusted to me. Here is my favorite one. It encompasses some of the things I love about him: The way he furrows his brows and sort of puckers his lips a bit when he's concentrating, his individuality, a bit of his vulnerability, his love of nature, how sometimes he seems his own best company, and most of all this image encompasses his quiet. Kent generally a very quiet person. I have learned over the years that he says more with is eyes and body language than he can say with words.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
After X-country skiing with the dogs I made my way to the Deadwood. This bar the place I can go and always either find someone I know or meet someone to be my friend for the night. Well, I spent the night drinking with "New" people that I never met before in my life. We played '90s Trivial Pursuit and watched the Simpsons. I divulged that I will be getting married in a year's time. Boy, everyone's got their story.
I can say this... People can change. Close friends will tell you that Kent and I were never perfect. But today, I can honestly say, I have nothing to really complain about. I love my man.
We bought his ring this weekend. A classic gold band reminiscent of my father's gold band. It's classic and will never go out of style. Kent was actually pretty excited about it. I will have to give plasma for a few months to pay for it but.. It's done!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say, "Men do change!" For the first couple years of our relationship we struggled. Big time. Kent had been a bachelor for many years. I was naive and new to love. But now we know despite our own hangups, we love each other and we are family together. To find home in someone's arms is the greatest indication of "true love." I can safely say, "I am marrying someone I love and look at and see my very own sense of family in his eyes". With him I will never be alone. He looks at me and I see all the pain of life melt away in his eyes.
Maybe I've had a few too many but I wonder if everyone experiences this. Love isn't easy and magical as the movies portays it. You really have to work to get there! My friends used to say that instead of a thesis I should have written, "Kent, 101," because I spent so much effort and time figuring us out. I think its paid off. I have a man who loves me without question and will be there for me no matter what.
Love to everyone... Including some family who just had a heart attack in their family. Uncle Jim... Take the strength of some of this heart. We're thinking about you.
Saturday, December 03, 2005

Its my only day off and I am awake and ready to enjoy the day. All my friends are out of town so it will have to be a Katy loves Katy kinda day. I just cleaned the kitchen and am on my way out the door to cross country ski. One of my favorite sports that I'm sure I will miss sorely when we move to Seattle.
I am debating whether I want to take JR's dogs, Ben and Knicky with me. I know Ben is going to be psycho and run some other skiiers over. If I feel strong I could hold him on a leash but that might ruin the experience. Later today, I'm thinking about taking all our dogs and having their picture taken with santa. Above is a picture of the infamous "Daisy" (Chris' dog that he left with Mom and Dad when he moved to Seattle) with Santa. Its at Petsmart today for $5 a picture. All proceeds go to a good cause.
Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day in the snow or the sun (where ever you all are).
Friday, December 02, 2005
Belle You scored 61 Independence, 61 Romance, 63 Loyalty, and 63 Practicality! |
You are Belle! As the Ultimate Disney Female, you have a bit of everything! You are brave, happy to face beasts and wolves and evil men to save those you love, and exploring dark rooms with a wonderful sense of curiosity. You are loyal, looking after family and friends in any way that you can. You are loving, able to look beyond appearances and love someone for their personality, only happy with romance if you are treated like an equal. You are also brainy, loving books and culture, trying to invent things and improve your life, bored by dull routine people. You are everything an modern, intelligent, courageous, kind, romantic, and independent woman should be. You won't settle for less than what you dream of, and you won't let injustice go on around you. |
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Link: The What Disney Female are you Test written by lu-mina on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Obi-Wan Kenobi You scored 84% wisdom, 35% aggression, 60% power, and 84% morality! |
You are one of the wisest Jedi of them all, and have had a very eventful career full of failures and successes. You are a skilled fighter, having defeated many powerful opponents in your time. You are not overly aggressive, though. You are more reserved and collected. Your sense of morality is without question, and you are a model Jedi. |
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My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Famous Jedi or Sith Test written by SarumantheMad on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Thursday, December 01, 2005
After deliberation with the married women I know from work I found that Hy-vee is where to go for flowers. This was something I was surprised to find I could get excited about. There are a lot of things to consider with flowers. Buttonieres, pew pieces, nosegays (to the delight of my bridal party, he he), my bouquet, table centerpieces, petals, ect. I'm very excited about the choices I made. I am on the lookout for 20 cheap candle lanterns. Please everyone! Make a fun "hunt" if you are out and about and find a lantern to either mail it to me and I'll reimburse you. I don't want asian or morrocon lamps. I'd like just a nice standard looking lamp.
That same day (I woke up on my day off at 6 am to go to Cedar Rapids and get things done) I met with my bridal party to dress shop. I found my dress and got if for half off at Heart to Heart. All my bridesmaids and tuxedo rentals will be through there in order to have this deal. I'm pretty much letting my bridesmaids pick out their own dresses because frankly, I don't really care what they wear. I just want them to be color coordinated and match. I did like my dress and everyone agreed that it was the best looking dress. The maid of honor was screaming, "Its the one!" in order to hurry matters a bit. I am happy with it but I did not have the crying, "...its the one" moment. I think that is Okay, though.
It was "friend Thanksgiving that day" and my maid of honor was cooking a turkey so they all had to leave after dress shopping. JR, my male attendant/best man, was able to hang out with me afterwards for lunch and then over to the rental agency. We had a great lunch at a pizza place called "Leonardo's". This was a really fun place. It had a 50s decor with Elivs, James Dean, ect. and the walls were covered with black quilted vinyl and the booths were blood red quilted vinyl. Jr and I had a pizza with mushrooms and stromboli and Hannah, Jr's foster daughter had taco pizza.
The rental agency was a real boring and long process. There is a lot of crap to consider. I'm happy its over with. I do have to go back and confirm and pick out the details but it was a process too annoying to even retell.
I've also been taking with caterers and pastry chefs, ect about food and cake much nothing is in stone yet. I also need to sort out hotels with the help of my sister in law, Angie. In case you were wondering, I haven't been doing everything by myself. Kent has put a hand in here and there with decision making.
A few birthdays have passed by... Yesterday Melissa turned 30, Mom had her birthday on the 4th of November, and Mike and Angie Obert (brother and sister-in-law in Arizona) had theirs on the 23rd and 24th. Jr will be celebrating his 30th birthday tomorrow on the plane to Vegas with his friends Melissa, Sara B, and his partner Andy. I cannot join them regrettably because I have to work and save my money but I gave them all the cash I had to gamble for me. Andy has been researching and practicing so I gave him $20, Melissa and Jr each got $5 to gamble for me. Maybe they'll win me some money to put into my credit card. If it wasn't for debt and wedding I would have probably gone. I also have put some restrictions regaurding Las Vegas and strip clubs on Kent so it would have been a double standard if I went.
Work has been getting very festive. We made "hand wreaths" with the kids at school that look very nice and christmas colored chains to hang from the ceiling. We are able to celebrate Christmas unlike a lot of other classrooms because we have a limited number of kids and we sent out a notice to the kids' parents letting them know and asking what they'd like included during the season. I put up the garlands and the lights at the Bread Garden but my brain almost exploded because of the malfunction of a few lights. It was the kind of lights where if one goes out they all turn off. Kent and I have all our decorations up at home and it looks very warm and cozy there too.
Mom just informed me they will be coming to visit during a house hunting trip. Yes, they finally got word that they are moving back to Waterloo (in the dead of winter, no less). Poor Pop-o... I will be so happy to have my momma here to help me.
So thanks for reading this huge update! I'll have to post something else that is fun for gettting through it all! Everyone be safe out there traveling in the snow!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Kermit the Frog You scored 41% Organization, 56% abstract, and 69% extroverted! |
This test measured 3 variables. First, this test measured how organized you are. Some muppets like Cookie Monster make big messes, while others like Bert are quite anal about things being clean. Second, this test measured if you prefer a concrete or an abstract viewpoint. For the purposes of this test, concrete people are considered to gravitate more to mathematical and logical approaches, whereas abstract people are more the dreamers and artistic type. Third, this test measured if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. By definition, an introvert concentrates more on herself and an extrovert focuses more on others. In this test an introvert was somebody that either tends to spend more time alone or thinks more about herself. You are mostly organized, both concrete and abstract, and more extroverted. Here is why are you Kermit the Frog. You are both somewhat organized. You have a good idea where you put things and you probably keep your place reasonably clean. You aren't totally obsessed with neatness though. Kermit is also reasonably tidy. He'll even dress up for interviews. Oh, and in case you were wondering, Kermit starred on Sesame Street years before The Muppet Show. The other possible characters are If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also if you want to tell me your favorite Sesame Street character, I can total them up and post them here. Perhaps your choice will win! |
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My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Your SESAME STREET Persona Test written by greencowsgomoo on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Here is some information about the reception hall we were penciled in for at Squaw Creek in Cedar Rapids:
The Prairie Oak Lodge was opened in July of 2003, and is approximately 4,000 square feet in total size. The main lodge floor area is 1960 sq. feet, with a secondary area of 686 sq. feet for a total of approximately 2,646 square feet for event set-up. A 3,000 square foot patio is located adjacent to the south side of the lodge. Approximate seating capacity is as follows: 250 (Theater Style), 200 (Classroom Style), 175-200 (Banquet Style). Additional features of this lodge include:* 250 folding chairs - metal frame w/plastic back & seat * Thirty 8' X 30" folding tables* Table and chair storage closet* Full kitchen with a 7' serving window* Interior men & women's restrooms* NO AIR CONDITIONING - a ventilation system and 6 ceiling fans are in place* Parking for 150 cars/4 handicapped spaces* Catering and service entrance with two double outdoor cooking grills adjacent* 3,000 sq. foot level turf area adjacent for tent set-up or field sports activities (west of lodge)* Lighted downhill sledding - 1/4 mile* Large fireplace with some wood provided
Kent and I strongly recommend camping while here! That way you don't have to drive and can drink as you'd like before crashing. I think for the night we might just get a cabin to stay in. Everyone will have to be out and cleaned up by 10 pm so there will definitly be oppertunity for afterhours fun where ever your heart desires. I think a bonfire is in order!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
The lady who organizes the tours and the chapel rental is named Luanne. She was very sweet.
Some fun things about the chapel are that it was originally a catholic church so it has the illusion of a catholic wedding for my family's sake. I can bring in my own officiant so I won't be put in an unethical situation.
Kent and I are allowed to ring the bell after.
Here are the things that I need to remember about having the chapel on the day of our wedding:
1. I need to assign someone to be the last one out and to have all the flower petals swept up and garbage taken out, ect.
2. We can bring in our own unity candle if we want.
3. There are multiple entrances to the facility if Kent and I decide we don't want to see each other before the ceremony.
4. We can decorate and bring in flowers but we can't use tape or nail anything so everything will need pipecleaners tied on or rubber bands or string.
5. As of now, we can have a runner if we want.
6. The chapel has plenty of white candles if we want.
After our trip to the chapel Kent and I went to get a bite to eat and a beer at Baxa's Sutliff store and tavern right across the street from the Sutliff bridge. That was a really cute fun place. We walked out on the bridge and looked at the stars after.
When we got home Kent and I went over the engagement pictures again to get ready to order today.
So now that Kent has spent a little more time with me about things I don't feel so bad about not having support. I just can't feel alone doing this stuff. I have too much on my mind on top of making trips to look all over for wedding stuff.
Monday, November 07, 2005
I tried to convince Kent last night of my new idea to take our money on the road to an elopement. This way we can celebrate our relationship as we always have-between the two of us.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I'm starting to really feel like I'm actually going to get married. Talk is cheap, right? But getting to a point where you start owing people? That's when you start feeling like, "IT HAPPENING!"
Anyway, I haven't been writing very much. When your life moves at a certain pace you are mostly thinking in the present. People who meditate say its important to think in the present. In order to do that you need to achieve absolute mindfulness. Aren't we living in the presence when we are moving so fast we are living moment to moment and don't even have the foresight to write to our loved ones and have lunch with our friends? This is what I like to call a bit of a slippery slope.
Or are you only really living in the present when you can eliminate all the cares and worries of our daily life. Has anyone actually done this through meditation? If I have achieved selflessness I'm not aware of it. My friend Sara said she thought she had during our final posture of yoga once and she ruined it by saying to herself, "I'm doing it! I'm actually meditating!"
I have become very relaxed. I've slowed my pulse and lowered my blood pressure but I don't know about selflessness.
Perhaps I'm too immature in my practice and it is something I'll achieve with a greater wisdom. Anyway, this is what I'm thinking about as I post these previews of Kent and my engagement pictures on my night off.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sunday, October 23, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
We took some more formal shots inside with Olivia, our dog. It was funny because Olivia was a perfect model. She really loved the camera and the attention. There is one picture where she is perfectly posed on Kent's arm- a perfect family picture. She whined and cried when we were taking shots without her. The photographer seemed to really like her too despite the fact that she made a tootsie roll on her floor. She kept saying that is was, "Miss Olivia's debut."
I think that they are going to be very nice. We will get the proofs back next week sometime. You may put your orders in the comment line if you are interested in a couple of things. I will try to scan them in when I get them but I'd like to get an idea of what everyone wants.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Well, this week came to a screeching halt as I'm home alone trying to collect my thoughts about everything that I need to do. As I see it they are:
1.) Research Seattle and determine good living areas.
2.) Write my Psychology paper
3.) Type and print out stickers for my slides for Antioch
4.) Laundry - done
5.) Dishes - done / clean apartment
6.) Research Art Therapy
7.) Sort through an entire foot tall pile of papers sitting by my desk (where does this crap come from?)
Moving to Seattle thing is really messing with my head. I wish there was something I could do to get my head in the right place. With everything that goes on in my day to day I feel like time is speeding past me and opportunity is swept away with it. When I get a day off as I have today I feel like I don't really want to do anything even though I know I have to.
I woke up with an allergy attack from hell this morning. To make myself feel better I took an allegra, sprayed my nose, took a shower and did what every girl needs when they are as tense as I am at the end of a hard couple of weeks full of work... I got my toes and fingers done. Gold for our Hawkeyes on the toes (that was actually unintentional) and pink on the fingers to stay girly.
I'm also looking in to going back to the gym to work out again (something else to fit in my schedule?!?!). We will see what they offer me. I e-mailed my request and I hope the return offer is in agreement with what I want to do. God knows that its going to start getting colder and colder and that bikeride to work is going to look less and less appealing.
So guys keep me in your thoughts and show me your support because I need to do this move! Kent and I need to step our lives up and this will not happen in Iowa City.
May all of you experience finding a lost treasure this week!